35th Anniversary and Annual General Meeting Saturday
September 15 2004, 2pm Open Space 510 Fort Street, Victoria, BCJoin us at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday September 15, 2007 at 2pm. At this special AGM (we also celebrate Open Space's 35th birthday) we review the financial statements, report on the past years programming and operations, and discuss special initiatives.
2:00 pm: AGM
3:00 pm: Break
3:15 pm Second Life virtual landscape, intro by avatar Tran Spire (Doug Jarvis)
3:20 pm Avatar Orchestra Metaverse performance and talk on Second Life. The Avatar Orchestra Metaverse (AOM) will be performing Miulew’s Audiospace work Rue Blanche (liten to all AudioSpace submissions here) as well as two additional pieces from the AOM repertoire as part of the re-launch of Audiospace. This live SL performance will be projected onto a screen at OS for audience viewing. This will include an introduction to the AOM and its virtual instruments by Miuliew Takahe and the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse
3:45 pm Audiospace showcase featuring Chantal Dumas' work, conference via Skype with Audiospace artists and via Second Life with Miulew, Wirxli and other Avatar Orchestra Metaverse members) and technology permits4:15 pm Open Space web launch with Jim Olson (TBC) and Ross Macaulay
4:30 pm Archive exhibit tour with Colleen Sanders, Blair Taylor and Ross Macaulay
4:45 pm Birthday celebrations: introductions to former directors (Konrad), tenant Hideko (if available), cake, snacks. Pulp mortgage to celebrate our debt holiday.
2:00 pm: AGM
3:00 pm: Break
3:15 pm Second Life virtual landscape, intro by avatar Tran Spire (Doug Jarvis)
3:20 pm Avatar Orchestra Metaverse performance and talk on Second Life. The Avatar Orchestra Metaverse (AOM) will be performing Miulew’s Audiospace work Rue Blanche (liten to all AudioSpace submissions here) as well as two additional pieces from the AOM repertoire as part of the re-launch of Audiospace. This live SL performance will be projected onto a screen at OS for audience viewing. This will include an introduction to the AOM and its virtual instruments by Miuliew Takahe and the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse
3:45 pm Audiospace showcase featuring Chantal Dumas' work, conference via Skype with Audiospace artists and via Second Life with Miulew, Wirxli and other Avatar Orchestra Metaverse members) and technology permits4:15 pm Open Space web launch with Jim Olson (TBC) and Ross Macaulay
4:30 pm Archive exhibit tour with Colleen Sanders, Blair Taylor and Ross Macaulay
4:45 pm Birthday celebrations: introductions to former directors (Konrad), tenant Hideko (if available), cake, snacks. Pulp mortgage to celebrate our debt holiday.