Left to Right: Flivelwitz Alsop, aka Tim Risher; Carolhyn Wijaya, aka Carolyn Oakley; Bingo Onomatopoeia, aka Andreas Müller; Humming Pera, aka Tina M. Pearson; Maxxo Klaar, aka Max D. Well; Zonzo Spyker, aka Viv Corringham; North Zipper, aka Norman Lowrey; Gumnosophistai Nurmi, aka Leif Inge; BlaiseDeLaFrance Voom, aka Biagio Francia; Paco Mariani, aka Chris Wittkowsky. Missing from photo: Free Noyes, aka Pauline Oliveros; Lizsolo Mathilde, aka Liz Solo
It has been a busy Autumn for AOM. We have been working on a Machinima of Pauline Oliveros' Heart of Tones with Evo Szuyuan (aka Brigit Lichtenegger), performing regularly, and evolving our range of instruments, compositions and telematic practices. Here is a list of recent performances. It seems unlikely there are many other orchestras that play in such a wildly diverse selection of events and situations.
On December 12, 2009, the Avatar Orchestra performed at Media Playground, De Hoeksteen Live!, Salto 1 TV, Amsterdam - our first live television concert, also streamed to the internet. Gumnosophistai Nurmi (aka Leif Inge), conducted a truly superior version of Bjorn Eriksson's AOM signature work, Fragula. Following a break for interviews, AOM entranced each other and the viewing audience with In Whirled (Trance)Formations, the composition by North Zipper (aka Norman Lowrey) and its growing set of masks and sounds. A video of the orchestra playing with the virtual singing masks can be found here
On December 5, 2009, AOM gave an extended performance of In Whirled (Trance)Formations at ISIM—International Society for Improvised Music Fourth Annual Conference, Media Theater, University of California, Santa Cruz. This was the second ISIM performance by AOM, and was attended in person by composer Norman Lowrey and composer - vocalist Vivian Corringham, otherwise known as AOM member Zonzo Spyker in Second Life.
Hallowe'en 2009 brought a full length AOM performance at the beautiful Second Life art build "Orfeo's Oratorio" by Second Life artist Alizarin Goldflake. The Orchestra performed Fragula by Miulew Takahe (aka Bjorn Eriksson), Ritual by Flivelwitz Alsop (aka Tim Risher), PwRHm by Humming Pera (aka Tina Pearson), and Wee No Kresh by Bingo Onomatopoeia (aka Andreas Mueller). Alazarin's blog and photos of this event can be found here
AOM performed In Whirled (Trance)Formations October 11, 2009 in a mixed reality duo with North Zipper (aka Norman Lowrey), who created the real life and virtual sounding masks that form the heart of this piece. The occasion was Marathon of Dreamers, Ione's 14th Annual Dream Festival, at Deep Listening Space, Kingston, New York.
On September 26, 2009 AOM participated in the 3rd Annual Earthdance, Mystical Mastery in Second Life. The concert was a fundraiser for the Earthdance initiative and part of a larger series of performances by other Second Life Artists. AOM featured Fragula by Miulew Takahe (aka Bjorn Eriksson), Ritual by Flivelwitz Alsop (aka Tim Risher), PwRHm by Humming Pera (aka Tina Pearson), and Wee No Kresh by Bingo Onomatopoeia (aka Andreas Mueller).
On September 11, 2009, AOM suitably performed Aleatricity and Wee No Kresh by Bingo Onomatopoeia (aka Andreas Mueller) at the Gogbot Festival, Enschede, Amsterdam http://2009.gogbot.nl/