Avatar Orchestra Metaverse will make a special appearance at
ghandi's release party and global gaming singalong Tuesday, January 26 at 12 noon SLT.
Event information is
hereThe url for Second Life location is
hereAbout Gandhi in Second Life...
"In the Spring of 2008, Joseph DeLappe/MGandhi Chakrabarti reenacted Gandhi’s famous 1930 Salt March using a treadmill converted for use in cyberspace to walk 240 miles guiding his Gandhi avatar throughout the online community of Second Life. For the past 9 months, DeLappe has continued the reenactment by imprisoning MGandhi in a virtual recreation of Mahatma Gandhi’s 1930, post-Salt March jail cell where he was held by the British from May 5, 1930 to January 26, 1931. MGandhi has sat in his virtual cell at Yeravda Prison, 24 hours a day on Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance island in Second Life, greeting visitors and engaging in daily “readings” from the infamous Bush era “torture memos”. These performative readings, entitled “Twitter Torture” have been fed, live, from the local text chat in Second Life to DeLappe’s Twitter and Facebook updates."
The Orchestra will create a musical accompaniment, using its inworld instruments, to "Give Peace a Chance" by Yoko Ono and John Lennon, and invites the audience to sing along with virtual sound. Following the singalong, the Orchestra will dedicate to Ghandi and Peace a meditative improvisation using virtual instruments from its compositions Fadheit, Fragula, Birth, PwRHm, In Whirled(Trance)Formations, Ritual, Rue Blanche and Aleatricity.