The orchestra had the pleasure of working with Angrybeth Robinson (aka UK artist Annabeth Robinson) for the presentation of her interactive Second Life installation I Am Note, We are Music. The piece is constructed as a circular arena, where avatars can enter to trigger gentle piano tones, the pitch of which is determined by the avatar height. The prominence each tone is determined by the distance of the avatar from a central column in the arena.
On Friday, August 7, 2009, AOM took part in Angrybeth's presentation at the International Symposium on Electronic Art at the University of Ulster in Belfast.
AOM performed within I Am Note, first simply illuminating its ways, then adding AOM instruments and sound samples for an extended AOMprovisation with I Am Note's piano tones. The I Am Note Aomprovisation was followed by a performance of Bingo Onomatopoeia's Aleatricity.
Angrybeth's blogs about I Am Note, the Symposium and the performance are here and here
To watch a Quicktime video of the I Am Note AOMprovisation and Aleatricity performance, click here
AOM performers for this event were
Bingo Onomatopoeia (Andreas Mueller), Regensburg, Germany
BlaiseDeLaFrance Voom (Biagio Francia), Agropoli, Italy
Carolhyn Wijaya (Carolyn Oakley), Boulder, Colorado, USA
Gumnosophistai Nurmi (Leif Inge), Oslo, Norway
Humming Pera (Tina Pearson), Victoria, BC, Canada
Paco Mariani (Chris Wittkowsky), Regensburg, Germany